3 min

How do you write a landing page that converts?

Discover 7 techniques to optimize the writing of your landing pages. Techniques that you can easily implement to increase your conversion during your next campaigns.

Target your message

Don't talk to the crowd. “Hi everyone!” By writing in this way each individual feels invisible, unheard and ignored. Instead, write directly to 1 person in the crowd. “Hey you.” Thus, each customer feels like the center of the universe.

Alan Target freelancers directly here in their landing page

Alan website

The importance of the title

Be percussive! 5 times more people read the title than the rest of the page.

Your title should be:

  • Court
  • Percussive
  • Eye-catching

Apple is the reference in the field, here for example we can see that he is using this technique to highlight their new iPad.

Also remember to add your business keywords in the title and in the Meta Data (Title Tag and Meta Description) of your landing pages. Here is an article for know the steps to follow to optimize your Webflow site for SEO

Apple website
Apple Website
Apple website

Dismiss the objections

People don't want to spend money. They have a list of objections in their heads before buying. Identify these objections and deal with them one by one.

With this reassurance “Try it for 30 days. For free. No obligations”, Qonto overcomes the objections of their readers and thus increases engagement.

Qonto website
Qonto website

Results → Features

Sell results over features: your prospects don't care about the features of your product. They care about the problems your product will solve for them. Instead of showing them features, show them what success looks like.

Apple doesn't sell a camera, it sells the quality of the shot

Nike doesn't sell tennis, it sells size!

Encourage action

Don't just have them read. Take them to the next step. Use words that encourage action. Good writing starts with persuading the reader... and ends with the reader taking action. Don't use just any generic CTA. Use a CTA that aligns with the next steps you want the reader to take.

With their very clear and specific CTAs, Doctolib Encourages the reader to click.

Use numbers. Be specific. Be specific

Don't just tell them you're doing better. Tell them exactly how much better you are.

Use social proof

People are often hesitant before making a purchase. Overcome this hesitation by using social proof: show readers that others in their community love your product.

Spendesk uses verified reviews like G2 and CapTERRA to boost their credibility. They highlight their type of customer so that the reader feels concerned and relies on the ease of implementation to further encourage action.

Photo de l'auteur
Sandro D.
Updated on
Growth Marketer, Webflow expert and a jack of all trades. I take care of commercial operations, ensure the smooth running of projects and take care of issues related to marketing (SEO, Tracking, Copywriting, etc.)
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How do you write a landing page that converts?
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