4 min

How to increase your income with SEO?

SEO makes it possible to acquire new customers at a cost close to zero. The content is sustainable, editable, and gives you credibility thanks to the expertise you gain. A real acquisition lever, SEO is a real asset for your growth, discover the secrets of your Webflow partner to know how to optimize it well!

1. Think business, not traffic

Start by clearly defining the objective (s) of your content strategy, you need to be clear about why you are writing content and make sure that all your actions go in this direction.

Generating traffic to generate traffic will not lead you to anything, think business, think conversion.

2. Focus on your audience

Before you write, think about who to talk to. You need to understand who your content is for. Writing and filing will then be facilitated. The user should feel that you wrote for them.

Tip: read the other well classified articles first to stand out.

3. Define your keywords well

Once you have an idea for a blog post, the first step is to target the right keywords. The choice of this one is made according to various criteria:

  • Commercial intent
  • Search volume
  • Low difficulty
  • Domain authority
  • Few backlinks

There are various tools that allow you to find these different metrics, personally I like to use Neil Patel's tool, Ubbersugest, to do my analyses and cross-reference them with the keyword planner found in the Google Ads console (free).

I also wrote an article with 9 steps to follow to optimize your Webflow site for SEO. It is worth the trip!

Practical case

I am a company specialized in Caces training and I want to write content to attract new customers.

Here's how to do it:

I am looking for information on the volumes of research related to Caces

Augmenter ses revenus avec le SEO
Result for the search “Caces”

Over 74,000 monthly searches for the keyword “caces.” Interesting you tell me?! Wrong answer, with an SEO difficulty of 44, a number of backlinks of 67 and a domain authority of 33 it will be very complicated to position yourself in the top 10 and even more so to aim for the top 3 (60% of clicks).

Bien choisir ses mots clés
SEO difficulties for the keyword “Caces”

I will then naturally be interested in the key words “caces 1”, “caces 3” and “caces 5”. With an SEO difficulty of no more than 35, significant search volumes, a volume of backlinks and a low domain authority, they meet all the criteria!

Bien choisir ses mots clés
SEO difficulties for the keyword “Caces 1"

Bien choisir ses mots clés
SEO difficulties for the keyword “Caces 3"

Bien choisir ses mots clés
SEO difficulties for the keyword “Caces 5"

More than 40,000 potential sessions are open to us, we now have to write content that references well to position ourselves as high as possible on Google and get as much as possible. Learn how to do this below.

4. The intent behind the keywords

What problem is the user trying to solve? What is he looking for?

Write for your users, not for the algorithms. Often forgotten, the primary purpose of a blog post is to provide value to its reader. You have to answer your question and write content with added value. Forget copy/paste, and over-optimization.

5. Careful structure

In order to fully understand what your article will be about, Google needs to have well-structured content with titles and subtitles.

The title

The Title tag describes the content of your page. This description tells Google what this page is about and allows the search engine robot to properly index you, evaluate, and position your page.

The title is listed on search engine results pages (SERPs). So it gives users valuable information about the opportunity to click on your website.

It should follow some basic rules:

  • The main keyword should be at the beginning of the text
  • 65 characters max (10-12 words)
  • It must be unique throughout the site
  • The golden rule, the title should make the user want to click.

La balise Title
Title - Google

The meta description

The meta description corresponds to the text displayed under the link in Google, it allows you to stand out from your competitors by making prospects want to click on your link. Google measures the interest of your article thanks to the CTR (Click Rate), a good CTR then allows you to better reference yourself, hence the need to have a meta description that is appealing and that meets the expectations of the Internet user.

Best practices:

  • Main keyword at the beginning of the text
  • 230 characters max (otherwise truncated)
  • Unique throughout the site
  • Related to the title tag
  • Phrases with subject + verb + complement

Be careful to proscribe:

  • keyword list
  • repeated keywords
  • numerals
  • special characters
  • capitalized words and specific dates.

La meta description
Meta description - Google

The H1

The H1 tag is the most important tag on your page after the title. It's the “headline” of your page.

This title must meet the following rules:

  • Contain your main keyword
  • Ideally, make 100 characters
  • Describe the content of the page
  • Be unique per page

If you want to work on local referencing, also insert the name of the city/department/region targeted.

The H2-H6

H2 - H6 are the subtitles that will help structure the page. The logical sequence of your Hn tags also creates semantic links between the various words concerned. It is therefore appropriate to use it to reinforce the semantic coherence of your various pages.

More generally, building your content with relevant and logical Hn markup makes it easier to read and allows you to improve your bounce rate and increase the length of visits to your site. These two criteria combined will have a beneficial effect on your SEO.

Links and networking

It is important to link to content related to your article. You can make internal links based on the mesh you have chosen on your site, so you can bring traffic to other pages of your site. On the other hand, you can make links to external sites related to your subject that will provide additional information to your readers.

Image & ALT attribute

Illustrate your content with images for readers! On the other hand, Google cannot read the images, so it is necessary to contextualize the image using the alt tag.

To properly set it up:

  • The main image of the page should contain the main keyword
  • 5-6 words in simple French
  • Describe the image
  • Pay attention to the size of the images (take the reflex to always compress your images)


The URL directly informs the user about the content of your pages. For search engines, it makes it easier to understand the topic addressed on the page.

The URL should:

  • Contain the main keyword
  • Clear and legible “-” dashes allowed

To be avoided:

  • URLs dynamics
  • “_” underscore
  • special characters
  • symbols
  • accents
  • Uppercase letters
  • hierarchies that are too deep

6. Careful user experience

When talking about SEO optimizations, you must also take into account UX, the size of the typography, accessibility, responsive etc... We call the couple SEO + UX → SXO! Having quality content that is super well optimized but illegible or polluted by a neglected experience will scare the listener away and your SEO will be impacted.

The essentials:

  • Typography in 16px minimum
  • A responsive site
  • Well-organized text and sections
  • Good accessibility (color contrast etc.)


Writing on the web requires following certain rules to be able to meet the expectations of both the user who is looking for an answer to their search and that of the search engines who want to reference you on a query.

Photo de l'auteur
Sandro D.
Updated on
Growth Marketer, Webflow expert and a jack of all trades. I take care of commercial operations, ensure the smooth running of projects and take care of issues related to marketing (SEO, Tracking, Copywriting, etc.)
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How to increase your income with SEO?
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