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5 Good Reasons to Work on Your Brand Image

Branding is essential because of the global impact it has on your business, it is much more than a logo, it is your identity, it is it that gives you personality. It can change the way people think about your business, it can generate new business and increase your value, but it can also do the opposite if it's done poorly or not done at all.

Gemeos, our Webflow agency Share with you 5 good reasons to work on your brand image

Branding is essential because of the global impact it has on your business, it is much more than a logo, it is your identity, it is it that gives you personality. When consumers buy a product or service, they're not just buying a product or service, they're buying what your brand represents.

It can change the way people think about your business, it can generate new business and increase your value, but it can also do the opposite if it's done poorly or not done at all. Even more so today with the explosion of social media, there is a huge competition so every business should make an extra effort to stand out.

Let's get this straight: reputation is built regardless of whether you do something about it or not.
The result can be a good or a bad reputation, which is why it is recommended to work on your brand image as soon as you launch your business.

Here are 5 reasons to work on your brand image:

1. Branding Creates Recognition

Building a strong brand will attract and keep people's attention, which is the most obvious reason why any business should invest in its image. A business that doesn't really have a cohesive brand won't stay in someone's mind for long.

You can probably spot an Apple device or a McDonald's ad from afar.
Example with the advertising posters below, McDonald's no longer presents itself, the public clearly identifies the brand codes (colors, products)

Minimalist ad created by McDonald's

To create recognition, it is essential to maintain a consistent brand image throughout every interaction a consumer has with your brand. It is so important that we recommend that you integrate it into your company's culture and values.

To do this, Gemeos always provides you with a graphic chart when designing your brand image. It brings together all the visual elements essential to your brand, such as your logo, fonts, colors... This document explains how and under what conditions these elements can be used to communicate while maintaining graphic consistency.

Graphic chart created by Gemeos

2. Branding Generates New Customers

Making a good first impression is important, especially in business. Consumers will create an impression of your business and brand based on a variety of factors, such as your website, business cards, ads, and more. These small details are points of contact that you have with your potential customers, in this case the presentation is essential.

A good brand will have no trouble attracting customers. A strong brand image generally means that there is a positive impression of the business so consumers are likely to do business with you.

Facebook Ads Visuals Made for Tracktor

In highly congested markets, trust is especially important because it can make the difference between intention (considering buying) and action (making the purchase).

3. The Brand Image Reflects Professionalism

A careful brand image is necessary to strengthen the credibility of your business. Simple things can signal to potential customers that you didn't start your business yesterday, like having a professional email address. Give your brand image a consistent look, even if it is not yet the case internally through a tailor-made website, consistent sales materials and an overall professional image. Constantly working to maintain a professional brand image that greatly enhances the relationship with your consumers or potential customers.

4. Branding Increases Business Value

A well-established brand can increase the value of a business by giving it more weight in the industry. A solid reputation means a strong brand that, in turn, translates into value. It is a business asset that also has a monetary value in itself and should have a place on a company's balance sheet because it increases the overall value of the business.

5. Branding Improves Employee Pride and Satisfaction

Your brand stakeholders are not only your customers, but also your employees. You need to be aware that human interaction is the basis of business and that your employees are the first line of communication, they are your first ambassadors.

Working for a brand that is well known and loved by the public makes working for that company more enjoyable and fulfilling. For this reason, recruiting is very important, the goal is not only to recruit people who need a job, but to recruit people who believe in the same thing as you.

If you hire people just for their skills, they will work for the money, but if you hire people who believe in the same thing as you, then they will give their blood, their tears, their sweat. Simon Sinek
Photo de l'auteur
Sacha D.
Updated on
Product Designer, the duo's creative head. He leads projects from start to finish, ensures the creative direction of Gemeos and ensures that all projects achieve the desired results.
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5 Good Reasons to Work on Your Brand Image
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